Thursday, May 05, 2005

A few things to remember...

As I'm scurring around packing and getting ready there are a few things left on my list to round up before I leave.
First, a converter for power cords... I've been slacking here and haven't gone out looking yet, but it looks like Radioshack has a good collection to choose from. - adapter search

I also remembered today that I'll need a good amount of AA batteries for my Canon flash, might as well bulk up here at Sams, who knows what they sell for in Germany.

And lastly, for now, I'm looking for a good deal on a lock for my laptop, just so I feel better about leaving it in the hotel when out. My friends that stayed in the same hotel over spring break said they recommend locking stuff up while out, even though it's a safe hotel.

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff to add to this list of things to buy last-minute, but I'll save those for another post.


At 11:40 AM, May 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm also hitting up the bulk battery sales thing. don't leave the country without stomach medicine [my choice is alka sletzer]! i'm sure germany has some shady sausages.


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