Friday, May 20, 2005

Musical - SIng! Sing! Sing!

051805_singsingsing_3, originally uploaded by morgpet.

Two days ago four of us decided to see a musical here in Berlin, I believe this is the only place it's playing, not a high budget musical or anything. So here's a brief overview of the plot so you understand how odd it was to watch. The general story was about the Andrew Sisters, a group of sisters who became the first real girl group during WWII. So the musical is about American girls signing with RKO and performing in Germany for the US troops. All the songs were in English because the originals were, but all the dialogue was in German. So "Americans" singing in English, talking in German. Interesting stuff. And of course they added in little sayings in English like "Baby," "Plan B" and "silly sisters."
Last night another group of us went to see the Blue Man group, however only one show was within my budget for the trip, but I am intrigued by SWING BERLIN! A musical much like Swing Kids the movie, but much much much more of it would be in German and I might get lost.


At 2:38 AM, May 21, 2005, Blogger Alvin said...

What? You chose the musical over the Blue Man Group? That's crazy! Everyone knows the BMG is the best.

At 8:58 PM, July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photo.. John Schert


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